Friday, June 12, 2009

Quote From The Past

Got this over at Politicalwire which found it at Swampland:

"Swampland has this blast from the past: "My favorite press release of all time. It is dated July 19, 1994, and was issued by then-Senator Howell Heflin's office. That morning, the Senator had been dining in the Capitol with some Alabama reporters, and suddenly felt a sniffle coming on. The reporters were aghast when the Senator reached into his pocket, pulled out a bit of fabric and began to wipe his nose with ... a pair of ladies underwear."

Here's the press release:

JULY 19, 1994

I mistakenly picked up a pair of my wife's white panties and put them in my pocket while I was rushing out the door to go to work.

Rather than take a chance on being embarrassed again, I'm going to start buying colored handkerchiefs."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

DHS's Report About Right Wing Extremism Vindicated

A report released in April by the Department of Homeland Security, started during the Bush years, and released 2 months into Obama's administration was panned by the GOP as an attack on the right wing.

Most of the GOP critics, if not all, did not actually read the report. A quote from The report:

"The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific
information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment."

Now, in less that 2 weeks there have been 2 right wing extremest attacks on innocent people. The report was designed not to point fingers but to point out fertile ground (newly elected black president, recession, economic hardship)
for recruiting and possible attacks. It was meant to prepare local, state and federal agencies to be on the lookout.

I am curious what the repubs have to say about the report now.

End Note: Why did people have to die in order for the report to be taken seriously. VERY sad.

Update: Media Matters does a good job of compiling those attacks on the DHS report.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

GOP Whining Over SOTUS Nominee Hearing

This time the GOP is whining over the Dems July 13 confirmation hearing of Sonya Sotomayor. The dems decided on an earlier date to get her through the senate and onto supreme court business (But also to minimize the criticism period of the GOP.) Because Ms. Sotomayor has had SO much experience (being a lawyer then a federal judge and then an appeals court judge), she has a ton of work to sort through. The GOP wants as much time as possible to sift through all of her work to find things they don't like so they can complain to the media and hopefully, with enough crap, have her run out of town on a rail.

There are enough people combing through her decisions that she will have been thoroughly investigated before July 13. There are not going to be any real new revelations. She will get confirmed without any real obstruction from the GOP.

Why? They can't afford to alienate both latinos and women.

Most Americans Support Major Overhaul of Health Care

A new Diageo/Hotline Poll shows that a majority 62% of Americans want health care reform. 38% of whom "strongly support" it.

It needs to be done. Why? Because of this.

"A recent study by Harvard University researchers found that the average out-of-pocket medical debt for those who filed for bankruptcy was $12,000. The study noted that 68 percent of those who filed for bankruptcy had health insurance. In addition, the study found that
50 percent of all bankruptcy filings were partly the result of medical expenses." (emphasis mine)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Right Wingers Really Don't Like the United States

The wingers have taken crazy to the next level. An article The Detroit Bureau just made me think that right wingers really are out to destroy America.

What is it this time? It seems that they want to boycott GM cars and parts. They want to boycott a struggling AMERICAN company. GM,on the brink of shutting its doors and firing the last 50,000 or so employees, is about to be boycotted by the crazies on the right because Obama has bought a majority stake so the government can save the company.

The right is willing to put more people on the unemployment line for their political agenda. This is insane. While I know no current elected politicians will support this, if this picks up the GOP will have a large black eye for letting this to possibly pick up steam.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Health Care Plan Takes Shape

Senator Ted Kennedy has his new health care bill floating around DC. It is the first/best hope right now of totally changing the health care industry.

A little peak at it:

-You can choose your own doctor.

-You can shop for a policy you want.

-There will a public plan run by the government.

-Employers must contribute or face fines/heavy taxes

-Small businesses are exempt

-If an insurance agency offers insurance in a state, they have to accept anyone who applies and can't charge higher rates for previous conditions

-The bill sets limits on how much premiums can vary. No super low price for one person and then super high for another person with similar conditions.

-Dependent coverage for children extends to age 26 versus 24 now.

-Medicare will be expanded to help very poor

-Moderately poor would get help from the government to purchase insurance

This is a good start. As a country, I feel we NEED the government option. It will keep private insurance companies honest b/c if I don't like their coverage, I can always take my plan to the government. And I don't buy into the bullcrap talking points about red tape and the government controlling my health. The government already runs health care for congress called Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. You better believe the program is top notch.

The importance of a public plan is the biggest part of the new bill. It cannot be cut out and I've read conflicting stories about trying to cut it out or taking the teeth out of it. Of course big insurance is trying to kill that section of the bill. They will lose customers/money or they will have to adjust their prices for fear of losing customers. Either way, it takes money out of their pockets. Also, it gives a chip to the government to bargain with. The government can then haggle/bargain for lower prices on prescription drugs and other things, lowering prices.

Here is an amazing quote that everyone needs to read about health care if found over at Dailykos and written by Robert Reich:

"All this will be decided within days or weeks. And once those who want to kill the public option without their fingerprints on the murder weapon begin to agree on a proposal -- Snowe's "trigger" or any other -- the public option will be very hard to revive. The White House must now insist on a genuine public option. And you, dear reader, must insist as well.

This is it, folks. The concrete is being mixed and about to be poured. And after it's poured and hardens, universal health care will be with us for years to come in whatever form it now takes. Let your representative and senators know you want a public option without conditions or triggers -- one that gives the public insurer bargaining leverage over drug companies, and pushes insurers to do what they've promised to do. Don't wait until the concrete hardens and we've lost this battle."

Update: It looks like Obama is going to spend some political capital to get a good health care bill. From the Times

"Mindful of the failures of former President Bill Clinton, whose intricate proposal for universal care collapsed on Capitol Hill 15 years ago, Mr. Obama until now had charted a different course, setting forth broad principles and concentrating on bringing disparate factions — doctors, insurers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, labor unions — to the negotiating table."