Obama has begun a large campaign to link Limbaugh as the leader of the GOP. The LA Times reports today:
"The Obama White House has begun advancing an aggressive political strategy: persuading the country that real power behind the Republican Party is not the GOP leaders in Congress or at the Republican National Committee, but rather provocative radio talk show king Rush Limbaugh. "
Why is this good? Well, as I have stated earlier, Limbaugh is only liked/supported/tolerated by the wingnuts of the repub party. By showing that their leader is a nut, he can neutralize the GOP brand, or what is left of it. This will be important for passing legislation and getting dems elected.
The GOP brand is so tarnished that keeping them from recaptureing the brand over the next several years will help the dem cause considerable. The GOP is already trying to rebrand as the "fiscal responsible" party. But it is too early to start that b/c of the huge cluster f @# ck of an economy they left for Obama.