Friday, March 19, 2010

Immigration Reform Time

With Health Care about passed, it is time to bring out legislation that will show how crazy the GOP really is.

"Days before a planned march in Washington, D.C., two U.S. senators announced their framework Thursday for a bipartisan immigration bill that would increase resources for border enforcement, create a biometric Social Security card to prevent forgeries and legalize millions of undocumented immigrants."

Why do this now? First, it was a campaign promise. And a good one. Our country needs reform. But also, like last time with Bush pushing for reform, the legislation brings out the crazies. This is one piece of legislation that repubs wish would get passed quickly. Watch what happens. There will be some aspiring repub who comes out strong against it and s/he will starting whipping up the right into a frothy frenzy for all of America see. If dems drag out the vote on this a little longer and have it pass in august, people will get a good view of the extremism on the right. It could definitely buffer the major losses heading the dem's way in November.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Soooo Close

Good news on Health Care

"I have always thought that the key is to get within four or five votes. Once you're there, you're very likely to win. Why? Because then the White House and Democratic leaders can concentrate all their attention on a few holdouts. And they can make an irresistible argument: If you don't vote for this bill, you will be responsible for the political and moral disaster that ensues. I just don't think anybody is willing to be the person who kills health care reform. They may hold back, they may want to see if the bill is going to die anyway, and they may want somebody else to go first. But when the finish line is in sight, they won't say no."

God I hope so!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Huge Week For Dems, GOP and Health Care

This kind of sums it up.

"This is a week for the history books, one way or another. The participants understand that, which helps to explain the intensity of the procedural maneuverings. But some are disinclined to focus on the broad impact, if only because they are too anxious to consider the ramifications if their side fails."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reid Growing A Pair

Look at Reid getting all badass.

"As I told the Republican leader last week, If you want to vote against health care and health insurance reform, that's your privilege to do so, but don't shut down the Senate. Stand up and vote. Don't threaten to stand in the way next time, just because you didn't get your way the last time. And when you make political calculations, don't forget the American people,"

Wow, I would love to see more of this.