Saturday, February 27, 2010

Florida GOP Senate Primary Put Into Perspective

Great quote on the GOP senate primary.

"I expect a scorched earth, smoking, radioactive wasteland, a postapocalypic Mad Max hellscape. That's what I expect,"

That would be par for the course with repubs.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Possibilities Around The Filibuster

TPM has an interesting piece about how to get around the filibuster, which is possible.

The way is for the president of the senate, Biden, to declare that the rules don't work and for the majority to put aside all rules and everything gets passed by majority vote. This has been referred to as the "Nuclear Option"

Can they do this? Yes, will the do it? No

"If the Dems really wanted to, they could go through this process anytime they wanted.The problem is political."

Obama Leading On Health Care

Well, it only took about 9 months but the President is finally showing leadership on the HCB. He released his version of the bill and it mainly follows what the senate put out. There are some things in there to entice moderate repubs but mostly a dem bill.

Will it get them the votes? I don't think so but the repubs find themselves in a unique position. If they do filibuster the only way the White House can counter is with reconciliation. With that being the only option, there is no way dems are going to let health care die.

The problem is that if reconciliation is a definite possibility, I think some dems will be pissed off if the public option is not in the reconciliation bill. I will be pissed off.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Obama, The Populist

Obama, seeing the writing on the wall for November is adding some populist parts to the HCB.

"President Barack Obama will propose giving U.S. officials the power to limit rate hikes by health insurance companies - part of a new health care overhaul plan he will unveil Monday in a last-ditch bid to salvage his signature issue. "

It is a good idea but a bit too coincidental with the recent health care rate hikes out in California. This type of stuff never hurts, as long as it doesn't seem obvious.