Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well I'll Be Darned

It seems that the Bush used government offices as political arms. Tom Ridge was told to raise the security alert at times that were most beneficial to Bush. Like election night 2004

"Tom Ridge confirms a long-held suspicion among Bush critics, writing in his new autobiography that he 'was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush's re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over.'"

Tell us something we don't know. I know politics can get dirty but I just feel that the whole government was a political arm of the Bush admin and it disgusts me that they have left their couties all over DC. It will take a generation to disinfect the place.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

White House Might Go It Alone

It took several months of being berated by crazies and the GOP for the white house to figure out that the right/GOP has no intention of helping to pass health care. 

Dailykos has a good synopsis. They caught this.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

People Bring Guns To Obama Rally

The fringe is getting crazier. At a Rally in Arizona, several people brought guns to an Obama rally. The right is so in a tither about everything, they are again using intimidation at political events. As a TPM reader notes:

"However, the fact that most of the people I knew growing up owned and used hunting rifles is a very different thing to walking around the downtown area of a major city carrying a sidearm or an assault rifle. An AR-15 is a symbol, for gun advocates as well as opponents...This is about intimidation - visibly carrying a firearm"

This is also what lead to the Oklahoma City bombings. The right gets all riled up over political frustration and then people get hurt.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Obama Backing Off Public Option

Obama's obsession with passing a bipartisan bill with the GOP is insane. They are out to destroy whatever comes down the pipe. Now, seeing that the public option won't win a filibuster majority, his administration is backing away from the public option.

Obama: “The public option – whether we have it or we don’t have it – is not the entirety of health care reform,”

CNN has Sec. of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius as saying: "A public option 'is not an essential element,'”

What is the obsession with bipartisan. He has the opportunity to pass it without any GOP people. He is just not willing to go down that road. I don't understand it because he fought to get reconciliation for the health care bill last April and he's now unwilling to use it.