Friday, April 9, 2010

Bart Stupak Retiring

Bart Stupak, dem from Michigan, the same dem who fought Obama on health care to have stricter abortion rules, is retiring from the House. While many in the dem caucus are not upset to see him go he comes from a fairly conservative district in Michigan. Which opens up this seat to a possible repub takeover come november.

I am a person who thinks a big tent is good. I think having many members with different views can only make a party stronger. I don't want to see him go. I feel the dems cannot afford to go down the same road repubs did and get rid of all of the "unpopular" opinions/views within the party.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

John McCain Says He's Not A Maverick

It seems that maverick image was something McCain never thought it applied to him.

"I never considered myself a maverick,"

This is really confusing and I don't totally understand it. He's got a primary challenger and so he might be thinking he wants to appear as conservative as possible for the primary election. I don't think this is the best idea. All it does is just open him up for criticism. And that is just what Jon Stewart did. Check it out.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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