Friday, September 25, 2009

Iran Not Being Honest

Who can actually be surprised by this. From Political Wire:

"President Barack Obama on Friday accused Iran of building a secret underground facility to enrich nuclear fuel"

Turns out, the US, Great Britain and France have known for some time. It wasn't until Iran found out we knew that the US decided to call them on it.

I am glad they found it but lets be honest. This regime has an agenda (get nuclear weapons) and countries around the world who cozy up the Iran so they can get their oil and who are willing to ignore things like this astound me. They are a threat to the region with their pursuit of enriched weapons grade uranium.

This needs to be shut down and by having a dialogue with them versus not talking to them is the best way to shut it down.

Public Favors Bipartisan

Political Wire picked up this quote from Greg Sargent:

"Americans are overwhelmingly convinced that Republicans are not pursuing a bipartisan health care compromise in good faith, but the public wants Obama to keep trying to find common ground with them anyway."

My question is: why in the hell is bipartisan still apart of this society? It is obvious that repubs have made a decision to obstruct because to go along with the dem's agenda will get them no where politically. So, they would prefer stopping important legislation rather than help out. I left bipartisan a long time ago. If I were a dem politician, I would speak to a couple repubs with sincere interest in furthering America and let the rest rot in the minority.

If Obama can get things done, the repubs will only further cast their party into obscurity.

Dem Senators Sure That Bill Will Have A Public Option

Two senators, Schumer and Rockefeller are pretty darn sure the public option amendment will be added to Senator Baucus's bill.

From TPM:

"The health care bill that is signed into law by the President will have a good, strong, robust public option," said Chuck Schumer.

After Rahm Emmanuel's comments of how a public option won't pass the senate, these two senators coming out saying it will. If the amendment gets added to the bill, I can't see any dem filibustering it. They might vote against it but they won't filibuster the bill.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama's Secret Terrorist Agenda

Can you believe that Obama's secret terrorist agenda has been discovered. The intrepid reporters on Fox have found out that by sitting so close to Moammar Qadaffi, Obama has the sinister intentions.

Jesus Christ what a bunch of crap.

I have to give it to the people at Fox. They get so creative in the crap that they show.

New Massachusetts Senator On His/Her Way

The Massachusetts legislature is about to pass a bill allowing the Governor to appoint an interim senator giving the dems their 60 votes.

Obama Was Black Before The Election

Obama stops by the Letterman show last night in his ongoing media blitz. One of the memorable moments.