A report released in April by the Department of Homeland Security, started during the Bush years, and released 2 months into Obama's administration was panned by the GOP as an attack on the right wing.
Most of the GOP critics, if not all, did not actually read the report. A quote from The report:
"The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific
information that domestic rightwing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment."
Now, in less that 2 weeks there have been 2 right wing extremest attacks on innocent people. The report was designed not to point fingers but to point out fertile ground (newly elected black president, recession, economic hardship) for recruiting and possible attacks. It was meant to prepare local, state and federal agencies to be on the lookout.
I am curious what the repubs have to say about the report now.
End Note: Why did people have to die in order for the report to be taken seriously. VERY sad.
Update: Media Matters does a good job of compiling those attacks on the DHS report.