Thursday, July 2, 2009

Repub Class of '94 Ain't What It Was Billed

The Politico has a good article on the class of repubs who were swept into government during the "Contract With America" class of 1994. The basis of their contract was that of family values. Turns out, a good chunk of that class couldn't live up to their contract.

Standouts from the class of '94.

1. Mark Sanford- Cheated on wife
2. John Ensign- Cheated on wife
3. Mark Foley- Uncle Touchy Feely with the DC pages

The list goes on. Another interesting tidbit. The divorce rate was high for these freshman. Now, the article does explain that congress puts a huge amount of stress on a marriage but these guys preached about family values. Was it just a slogan to get to power?