Sunday, March 8, 2009

Specter's Best Bet...Become a Dem

Arlen Specter, the senior senator from Pennsylvania, will probably not be reelected as a repub. The Hill is reporting that he will most likely get a primary opponent. For moderate repubs this is death.

If you haven't noticed, moderate repubs have been dropping like flies for the past 4 years. Two reasons for this. The electorate has moved solidly left, knocking off repub moderates from all of the U.S. The second is that with so many voters moving dem, there are only the crazies left in the repub base. In order to get reelected during the primary, a repub candidate must be able to do the crazy shuffle to appease the base.

This leaves only extremist repubs the opportunity to get elected at the primary stage. Then they go into a general election and get trounced because they are so extreme.

So where does that leave moderate Specter? Change to the dem party. He was once a dem so why not just change back? It will be the only way in which he can win relection.