It seems Michelle Bachmann's idea for repubs to not fill out their census form is backfiring bigtime.
"In Texas, some of the counties with the lowest census return rates are among the state’s most Republican"
So, let me get this correct. GOP big mouths preach about big government in your life. They then advocate for the illegal act of NOT filling out the census form and are then screwed by its affects. Now that there is such a low showing, the possibility of losing house members in GOP areas increases.
The other coin to this is the GOP is supposed to be fiscal conservative. The problem is that since there is such a low number of census forms coming back that the government then has to PAY people to go door to door to get the numbers.
"It costs taxpayers $25 per person to send a census taker door-to-door to collect the same information if they didn’t mail it back."
25$ bucks per person per house. Do the math on that one GOP. Their insane talking points are costing them seats and money. The GOP is a joke.