GOP, however, is totally flailing around not knowing what to do. Now that they have lost out on taking partial ownership of a popular bill, Wall Street reform, they are totally screwing unemployed people over with this:
"Coburn is blocking unanimous consent on extension of unemployment benefits, just as Bunning did a few weeks ago. Only this time, Coburn's not alone -- the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other members of the Republican caucus have joined with Coburn, promising to block billions in unemployment benefits just as the Senate is set to leave on a two-week recess."
Who is giving the GOP advice right now? They are trying to stand up for financial responsibility on the backs of unemployed, under insured, down on their luck Americans. What are they thinking? Its almost as if when they didn't get their way on Health Care they are going to burn the place down. I remember a six year old at the school playground. When playing basketball and he was losing he would start pouting and eventually say "I am taking my ball and going home." Sometimes, I feel the GOP never matured out of this stage.