Sunday, January 31, 2010

Obama's Losing Allies

It seems it is not just me who is becoming disillusioned by the president. It seems Jon Stewart is getting in on the action.

"Last week, though, the president was the punch line. After showing video of Obama speaking to schoolkids, the "Daily Show" host said in amazement: "You set up a presidential podium and a teleprompter in a sixth-grade classroom? . . . I'm not a political adviser, campaign strategist, et cetera, but that's not a great photo op in a middle school classroom."

As you read, it seems that Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, and Keith Olbermann also might be getting buyers remorse.

I really do think all this comes down to this. For 8 years we, dems/liberals, had a president who thumbed his nose at us. He went out of his way to give us the middle finger. The way he legislated, gave speeches, and in his appointees, Bush did not give a rats ass about the other side of the table. Now that dems are back in control, we want someone who is not afraid/timid to show his liberal side. I don't want a president doing what Bush did. What I do want is someone who is unabashed about being liberal. I wanted Obama to be a leader who will work with the other side but if they don't want to work then screw them. This timid/overly cautious road that he is taking is pissing us off. Stop cowtowing to such a bunch of obstructionists and get the countries shit done.

And here's the vid:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Obama Speaks to a Sixth-Grade Classroom
Daily Show
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