Friday, October 2, 2009

Crazy Right Wing Nuts Make Me Sick

Chicago (let me repeat that CHICAGO) lost it's bid to host the olympics after the first couple flew to Copenhagen to advocate for the windy city.

What really, I mean really, makes me sick is that the wingers are foaming at the mouths with glee over the loss. I read in Dailykos. It went from "America, fuck yeah!" to "Fuck America, yeah!"

I have been reading several different sites and one has a great compilation of the different quotes.

From TPM:

"As a citizen of the world who believes that No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation, I'm glad that the Obama White House's jingoist rhetoric and attempt to pay back Chicago cronies at the expense of undermining our relationships with our allies failed,"

"Chicago and Tokyo eliminated. No Obamalypics"

"Hahahahaha. So Obama's pimped us to every two bit thug and dictator in the world, made promises to half the Olympic committee, and they did not even kiss him. So much for improving America's standing in the world."

"The worst day of Obama's presidency, folks. The ego has landed. The world has rejected Obama,"

I cannot tell you how disgusted I feel by this hate towards one individual. So much so that these freak shows prefer to see America suffer for their grievances with our president. It is starting to become perfectly clear that nothing Obama does will get not just their support but the common decency any human being deserves.