Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This Hit With a Thud

This is the first bad idea I've seen. Obama decided to tell his cabinet to save 100 million. A number so low that it was laughed at around the U.S. 

Very bad idea. It looks cheap and pandering. It felt almost staged. To date, while things might have been staged, it never felt staged. This whole thing felt staged.

And look what it left him open for:

"Budget analysts promptly burst out laughing. A reporter declared at the White House briefing that the initiative would become fodder for late-night talk show hosts. The Republican Study Committee, a group of fiscal conservatives, put out a news release with the headline 'Obama’s 0.0025% spending cut.'"

Sometimes he wants to educate the electorate too much. Just do the budget cuts and over time show what has been cut. Not the song and dance people laughed at.