"And even then, the problem isn’t one nutcase. The problem is that you are whittled down to nothing but the bitter rump, and you are discovering that not only does the camera add ten pounds, but it also adds a heap of crazy. When you play back the nonsense you have been spewing for the past couple of years, you don’t like what you see. I guess you have something in common with the rest of the country."
The bold was mine and the line is amazing.
The entry does a good job of basically saying the right has been spewing so much crazy for so long now that the rational people took off and what you have left are the crazies spewing the same crazy talking points of Oreilly, Beck, and Limbaugh. So, the crazies are getting more airtime and in turn, turning more people off the repub brand. It is starting to become a perpetual cycle and if left unchecked spells real trouble for the repubs.
This whole situation the repubs face is like accidentally forgetting to turn off the heat in your boiling pot of rice. What your left over with is the hard crusty nastiness at the bottom of the pot. Because who likes burnt rice??? Crazy people