Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Obama's Image Still Strong

The AIG fiasco of a couple of weeks ago had several dems worried that the dem/Obama image might take a beating from all the outrage. But it turns out he's doing just fine and with him asking for and getting the resignation of the GM CEO, doesn't hurt his image either. '

Its a twofer. First, he looks like he's taking a hard line on the CEO's who have been getting paid tons on the tax payer dime. Second, the union workers get little angry with him as well. Why is the worker anger a good thing. Obama has to appear balanced between his job and the liberals. He/Biden have been working to get EFCA through and eventually it will get through. But, right now, for the rest of society to see that he's will to stand up to some groups that support him is good for his longterm image.

At the end of the day, the unions will continue to support Obama because he is working for their goals.