Friday, February 13, 2009

Judd Gregg Out

Obama's attempt at making a unified government is just not working out. All the repubs, except 3, voted against the stimulus, even after all the attempts at partisanship. Now, Gregg pulls himself out of the Commerce of Sec job. He stated differences between Obama as the reason for his departure. The question on everyone's mind is why didn't have those differences when you accepted the offer.

Some people have said this doesn't bode well for Obama. That is the biggest bunch of crap. Obama has attempted to bring people together and at the end of the day, repubs don't want anything to do with it and the public knows it.

Check out this quote by Andrew Sullivan: "I have to say even I am a little taken aback by the force of the Republican assault. Even in a downturn as swift and alarming as this one, even after an election that clearly favored one approach over another, even after the most conciliatory efforts by an incoming president in memory, these people have gone to war against the president. The president should stay cool. The rest of us should realize what motivates the GOP: the opportunism of selective ideology."

I agree with him. Give enough rope to the repubs and they'll hang themselves. Right now, they are doing a great job of it.