Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Repubs Finally Show Their Partisan Heads

Republicans are finally coming out of their shell shocked caves and continuing their obstructionist attitudes. While Obama is making concessions to try and get as much buy in as possible for the stimulus package, Republicans are picking it apart and saying they are not going to support it.

The politics of it is this: They will gain hardly anything by supporting a democratic bill should it do well and the economy starts to improve. They gain a whole lot more by having the new pres and dem congress holding the bag should it fail. They will go running (yes running) to the cameras yelling "I told you so."

Now, there are many problems but what sticks out for me is a TOTAL lack of leadership on the repubs part. Their leaders don't see the common cause that is there. They need the country's economy to repair itself. They are staring at a depression potential situation that they ochestrated and now show no leadership in trying to get us out.

They don't see the bigger picture (putting the U.S. back on track) they see only the political bet. 
They are betting against Obama, dems, and the U.S. economy.  

Look at what they did today.

Then this morning, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) went for the jugular, urging his members to oppose the economic centerpiece of Obama's first term just hours before the president paid the Republicans the compliment of coming to the Capitol for a private meeting — even before he did the same for House Democrats. 

Obama's aides cast the visit as an outstretched hand — and it got slapped. 
This is why I am so cinical about the repubs. The new breed of repubs is hell bent on the struggle for power and has no vision on what is good for the country. This is why they will continue to live in the forest. They need leadership bad!

Update: Well, it looks like they might just vote for it after all. They are so confused, I don't think the repubs know what the other repubs are doing. 

an interesting quote:

 "Boehner already said he wouldn't vote for it, so why are they bothering to meet with the President if they've already decided they will oppose?" he wondered. "Will they even say what they want now or just constantly moving the goalposts?"