Friday, January 16, 2009

Obama Knocks it out of the Park!

As I have been reading and hearing, Obama has knocked a in the park home run. He got a VERY unpopular bill passed pretty much along party lines but had defectors on both sides. As NBC reports the vote
broke down mostly along partisan lines. Six Republicans, however, voted with Obama (Alexander, Gregg, Kyl, Lugar, Snowe, Voinovich), and nine Democrats voted against him (Bayh, Cantwell, Dorgan, Feingold, Lincoln, Ben Nelson, Shaheen, Sanders, Wyden). But to show you how hot of a political potato the TARP money is, FIVE of those nine Dems are up for re-election in 2010  (Bayh, Dorgan, Feingold, Lincoln, Wyden). And out of the six GOPers who voted with Obama, just ONE is up for re-election in 2010 (Gregg).
Why is this big. Because a new president coming in was able to twist arms to get what needed to get done. This bodes very well for him and his administration. Yeee Hawwww