Al Franken started his senate bid last year (officially). But he really started about 4 years ago with his PAC. He went from comedy club to comedy club raising money for his PAC so that he could dole out the love to the Minnesota Political big wig trying to ensure his primary win, which he did.
He then proceeded to fight, bare nuckles, with Coleman. I loved every minute of it. For obvious reasons. The repubs hate him for his numerous books and radio show, he is farely honest and shoots from the hip, Franken is an additional senator to help the dems, and finally, I can't wait for his senate floor speechs.
Then November hit and all of a sudden it looked like Franken lost by some 600 votes. Then it dwindled down to 200 vote Coleman lead before the recount even started. During the recount, everything went for Franken and he ended up with a 225 vote lead.
Now, the repubs refuse to seat Franken provisionally in the senate (b/c they hate him) and Coleman has submitted a lawsuit sueing everything. Coleman has basically tried to sue all aspects of the election hoping to see what sticks.
Franken is most likely to win, barring some obsurd court decision. Yee Haw