Monday, October 5, 2009

MSNBC Think Howard Dean and Michael Steele Are The Same


"Is Steele to the RNC and the DC GOP establishment what Howard Dean was to the DNC and the DC Dem establishment?"

This has got to be the worst analysis I have seen from MSNBC. Howard Dean was DNC chairman for about 4 years from 2005-2009 that gave us our huge gains in the house and senate. He started the 50 state strategy that got dems active in almost every county in the United States. It was the establishment that wanted him to concentrate only on certain areas of the U.S. and he said no. They want to concentrate on everyone. And it worked!!

We would not have the huge number of Dem house members. We wouldn't have the 60 seat senate if it weren't for Howard Dean

They really screwed up that comparison.