Thursday, February 12, 2009

GOP Loves The Long Franken/Coleman Fight

It seems that the GOP has no intention of letting Franken come in early. While Franken leads by 225 votes, it appears that the GOP doesn't want him there anytime soon. This could be because they don't like him but it also helps out the GOP. From an article in The Hill

"As the long and contentious court case drags on before a three-judge panel in Minnesota, it could be weeks, or even months, before either Franken or Coleman is seated." 

Their obstructionist ways are aided by the fact that the dems need a minimum of 2 repubs to defect on every piece of legislation instead of 1 if Franken were in the senate. You can see this in the stimulus bill. Dems picked off 3 repubs but it came at a fairly big cost (education rebuilding, health care...) 

With the likelyhood that Coleman loses (even he sees the writing on the wall by getting a new job), this lack of a dem senator makes it harder to get to the fillibuster proof majority.