Friday, January 23, 2009

Gillibrand is the Freshman Senator from N.Y.

I like this pick a lot. There are several reasons why this is better than Kennedy. First, she has run a good campaign n '06 against a nasty repub opponent.  Why is that important. It is important to be able to raise lots of cash in a short time. It is also important to be able to run a campaign against a good opponent. Kennedy had done neither. (Kennedy even admitted to not voting half the time. That's horse sh@t)

The times writes "[Gillibrand] proved to be a formidable candidate, raising millions of dollars and assembling a campaign organization that aggressively exploited the personal and political baggage of her opponent, Representative John E. Sweeney, who frequently found himself on the defensive."

Cuomo would have been fine (Son of Mario), but it was important, I think to continue the legacy started by Hillary, that of being a woman. 

I think this is a great pick. Check out the article

Update: It gets better.

After talking to Kirsten Gillibrand, I am very happy to say that New York is poised to have its first U.S. Senator who supports marriage equality for same-sex couples,” Van Capelle said.

She also supports the full repeal of the federal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) law, repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) and passage of legislation outlawing discrimination against transgender people. While we had a productive discussion about a whole range of LGBT concerns, I was particularly happy to hear where she stands on these issues.